The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Tampa’

Why Might an AC Lose Refrigerant?

Monday, October 4th, 2021

Refrigerant is a chemical blend that can easily shift between liquid and gaseous states. This makes it ideal for air conditioning systems: as the refrigerant moves through the air conditioner, it evaporates indoors to absorb heat and then condenses outdoors to release heat. During this process, the refrigerant never dissipates—the same amount of refrigerant should stay in the AC for the entire life of the cooling system.

But … leaks can happen. An air conditioner won’t lose refrigerant over time (this is a common misconception) unless it has leaks along its refrigerant lines or at connection points. To prevent the AC from failing due to low refrigerant, experts must locate the leaks, seal them, and then put back in the amount of refrigerant that was lost. 

If you’re curious about how these leaks start and if you can do anything to prevent them, follow us below for more information.

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What a “Split System” Air Conditioner Is

Monday, July 26th, 2021

One of the best friends your house can have is central air conditioning in Tampa, FL for the hot summers. You only have to make an adjustment to the thermostat, and cool and refreshing air begins to move through the ducts to the rooms. Easy and convenient—and hard to imagine getting through a summer without one.

The type of central air conditioner that your home probably uses is called a split system. You may have heard this term used, or heard about an alternative called mini splits, and wondered what those terms specifically mean. We’re going to give you a basic rundown on split systems and what makes other ACs different. 

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How Long You Can Expect Your Air Conditioner to Last

Monday, July 12th, 2021

You know that any major appliance in your house has a limited service life. Proper care can push an appliance to several extra years, but at some point it will wear down beyond where repairs are cost-effective. 

You’ve probably wondered about how long your central air conditioning system will last. This is natural in our hot and humid climate where ACs are vital for making it through much of the middle of the year. Considering all the work your air conditioner puts in during summer, how many years can you expect to have it before you need a new AC installation in Tampa, FL? Below we’ll look into the question and offer some advice about air conditioning replacement.

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“Fan Only” vs. “Air Conditioning”: What’s the Difference?

Monday, April 19th, 2021

In our last post, we explored a topic that’s always popular with homeowners: ways to save money. Specifically, how to lower the cost of cooling a home in the summer. It’s not hard to find ways to reduce how much you use your AC, and our technicians can help out with installations like dehumidifiers and high-efficiency ACs.

We didn’t touch on one way to lower AC costs in the last post, which is “fan only” mode. We’re going to address it here because it’s not exactly a way to save money, but it’s something important to know about.

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The Trick About Electric Furnace Efficiency Ratings

Monday, January 25th, 2021

For homes that don’t have a natural gas connection, an electric furnace is one of the most common options for central heating. Even for some homes that do have natural gas, electric furnaces can offer several advantages. 

But when people are shopping around for a new central heating system, they might feel confused regarding the energy efficiency of furnaces. The trick is that the efficiency ratings for electric furnaces look different compared to gas furnaces, even though they use the same measurement: annual fuel utilization efficiency, or AFUE.

We’ll explain below how to understand the AFUE of an electric furnace vs. that of other types of furnaces (including gas, propane, and oil).

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How Long Can You Expect Your Heater to Last?

Monday, January 11th, 2021

You don’t want to replace a valuable central heating system in your home until you’ve gotten all the possible useful years of service out of it that you can. That’s just the basic logic of any important appliance. But how long will that heater in your house last? When can you expect to call us to schedule a heating replacement?

There is no one answer we can give you, because not only do different heaters have different life expectancies, but other factors such as use and maintenance come into play. We can make several generalizations that may help you if you’re currently on the fence about the future of your heating in Tampa, FL.

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Why Is My Heat Pump Only Sending Out Cold Air?

Monday, December 14th, 2020

One of the nice features of heat pumps is that they easily switch between heating and cooling modes. You don’t need to make changes to the heat pump itself when you need warmth from it after months of cooling. All that has to happen is an adjustment on the thermostat, and the thermostat signals the heat pump to change modes. That’s a reason heat pumps in Tampa, FL are popular options: we can quickly leap to heating during the short periods when we need it, then go right back to cooling.

But a heat pump can malfunction like any other device, and you might find that when you need heat for your house that the heat pump is still working in air conditioning mode and sending cool air from the vents. Why is this happening?

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Can Dry Air Really Be a Problem?

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

We know what you’re thinking when you see this headline: “Of all the possible problems with indoor air quality in Tampa, FL, is dry air something to worry about? Florida is almost legendary for having high humidity!”

However, our climate is often humid. That doesn’t mean the air inside a house will also be humid. Many factors are at play in indoor air quality, and homes in Florida can often experience dry conditions. Why? Air conditioning systems!

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Is an Air Conditioning System Done When It’s Older Than 15 Years?

Monday, October 5th, 2020

We know you want to get the most work from your home’s air conditioning in Tampa, FL, and that means getting the longest service life from it. But you don’t want to continue to run an air conditioner into the ground—keeping a system running year after year until it finally breaks down isn’t wise. For one thing, it means having to schedule an emergency replacement that can leave you trapped in the heat until the new system is in place. You want to have a new air conditioning system installed on your schedule, not the air conditioner’s. For another, an AC that is past its prime will waste large amounts of power, sometimes costing 25% more to run than it once did, and rack up repair bills.

So it’s best to have an AC replaced when it’s on the cusp of starting to decline, and 15 years is often a good point to have this done.

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Can I Size My Own Air Conditioning System for Installation?

Monday, September 21st, 2020

Sizing an air conditioner means finding how powerful an AC is necessary to provide the specific amount of comfort for an interior space. If you are looking for a new central air conditioner for your house, you need to have the system sized so it provides your household with the comfort level it needs during even the hottest weather. Sizing is about more than ensuring a new AC system is powerful enough; it also ensures the system isn’t too powerful. A properly sized air conditioner falls between the extremes of oversized and undersized.

How is sizing done, and is it something you can handle on your own before?

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