Indoor air quality is an important thing to keep in mind during the summer, when air quality tends to drop due to a number of factors. People shut all of their doors and windows in order to help keep their climate control as efficient as possible. While this works, it doesn’t do any favors for a home’s indoor air quality. Contaminants get trapped in the house, leaving you to breathe stale, dirty air for most of the day. You need to take steps to improve your indoor air quality if you want to be as healthy and comfortable as possible. One of the best ways to do that is to take a look at quality air duct replacement.
The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Tampa’
Indoor Air Quality Depends on Quality Air Duct Replacement
Monday, July 2nd, 20183 Things to Look for in an Air Conditioning Contractor
Monday, June 18th, 2018When you have an unexpected air conditioning problem, your first concern is to fix it as soon as possible. After all, you can be without an air conditioner for about fifteen minutes in a Florida summer before your life takes a dramatic turn for the worse. Don’t compound the situation, however, by going with the first air conditioning contractor you come across. A major repair or new installation can cost thousands of dollars, and you need to be careful who you choose to do this work for you.
Which AC Service: Maintenance, Repair, or Replacement?
Monday, June 4th, 2018While many homeowners recognize the importance of an optimally functioning air conditioning (AC) system, many cannot distinguish between maintenance, repair, and replacement services. Each of these processes requires a different approach, and understanding these differences can be vital not only for extending the life of your AC system but for saving you money and time.
At The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay, Inc., we specialize in all three of these services, which are often in demand due to the Florida heat. In this post, we’ll give a brief overview of each of these approaches, highlighting the importance of each approach as well as when it’s appropriate to use.
Boost Your Air Quality with an Air Filtration System
Monday, May 21st, 2018If you’re like most folks, you count on your air conditioning system to keep the air in your home cool and comfortable. However, temperature regulation is not enough when it comes to the air circulating through your home. Dust, debris, and other irritants can find their way into your ducts and lungs.
One of the easiest and most effective ways to combat this is the installation of an air filtration system to help keep your home’s air fresh and clean. Not only will you breathe easier, but you’ll see benefits to your overall health.
Always Jump on Air Conditioning Repairs Early
Monday, May 7th, 2018Summer seems to start earlier and earlier every year in our neck of the woods, and even in early May, chances are you’ve needed to run your air conditioner a few times this year already. If your system needs any repairs, now is the perfect time to spot them. In fact, the earlier you can notice problems with your air conditioner, the better. The next time you run your system, watch and listen for signs of trouble, and call in a quality repair service the moment you do.
Is It Time for New Air Conditioning Installation?
Monday, April 23rd, 2018Florida summers are long and hot, and chances are you’ve already had to run your air conditioner more than once this year. If you have an older air conditioner that feels like it’s on its last legs, now is probably the best time to schedule the installation of a new system. Doing so lets you take advantage of the benefits of a new system–such as improved efficiency and reliable functioning–before the heat of the summer begins in earnest.
But how can you tell if your air conditioner is really ready to be replaced? Is your system in dire need of being put out to pasture? Or can you keep it running for another few years and get some more reliable use out of it? Ultimately, only you can properly answer that question. There are, however, a few guidelines to help you make up your mind on the status of an older air conditioner. They boil down to the cost of keeping the existing system against the cost of installing a new one.
Always Jump on Air Conditioning Repairs Early
Monday, April 9th, 2018Spring has only just arrived, and we’re already looking at higher temperatures and regular use of your air conditioner. That’s only going to get worse as spring turns to summer, and soon enough, we’ll be running our air conditioners every day just to keep comfortable in the heat.
If there is a problem with your air conditioner, it is always better to spot it sooner rather than later. That tends to keep repair costs down, since the damage hasn’t had as much time to spread and gives you some flexibility in determining the best time to schedule repairs. (A breakdown in the summer usually means you have to reschedule your entire life and conduct repairs immediately.)
That means now is an excellent time to check your system for possible problems. No one should formally diagnose an air conditioning issue, much less attempt repairs (air conditioners contain potentially dangerous components like refrigerants, which require formal licensing to handle) unless they are professionals, but you don’t need to be an expert to spot the sign that something’s wrong.
Cooling and Heating Tips During Mild Weather
Monday, March 26th, 2018When it’s hot outside, you know you need your air conditioning equipment in the best shape possible to get you through it. But when it’s neither too hot nor too cold, you probably don’t really think of your heating and cooling equipment at all. We think, however, that there is a lot that can and should be done for your heating and cooling equipment in mild weather.
What Size Should Your Air Conditioner Be?
Monday, March 12th, 2018Air conditioners in our area get quite a workout, so finding the right system for your home is extremely important. You want one that will keep you as cool as possible using as little energy as possible and that will last for a long time. Does that mean you should simply get the biggest system you can afford and hope for the best? Not quite…
In fact, an air conditioner that is too big for your home can run into a lot of problems, just like one that is too small. How do you know what size your air conditioner should be? Our experts are here to help, but consult a local technician in your area for more information.
4 AC Repairs You Might Not Expect
Monday, February 26th, 2018“Does it just need more Freon?” is a question we hear quite frequently from our customers when the air conditioner is not working quite right. Yes, sometimes an air conditioner does need more refrigerant (the generic name for the chemical blend in your air conditioner). However, it’s usually much more than that, requiring sealing or a refrigerant leak—or a different problem altogether.
If your technician tells you that one of these 4 repairs is needed, you may be surprised. But it’s all too common for us!