The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Replacement’

Repair or Replace: Take Our Quiz to Learn More!

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

It can be extremely difficult to figure out whether your air conditioner needs to be repaired or replaced. We’re not just talking about a simple choice, even an AC that’s just a few years old could require replacement if it’s functioning so poorly, inefficiently, and uncomfortably that it’s beyond hope of repair.

We want to make things easy for our customers, which is why we’re going to cover this topic in a fun and simple way. Just take our quiz below and see which category you fall into. Then, you’ll have a pretty good idea of whether you need system replacement, repair, or even just a minor maintenance visit.

Just remember that no matter where you score, you can trust the AC contractors in Tampa from our team. Luckily, we have a lifetime repair warranty when you join our maintenance club, which is an excellent choice for anyone taking the following quiz!

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Has This Summer Been Too Much for Your AC?

Monday, September 5th, 2022

Each summer, your AC goes on a long endurance run as it battles to remove heat from your home. Did it just run its last course and maybe needs to quit?

Because, let’s face it, this was a rough summer to be a cooling system in Florida. Too much heat, too much humidity. A newer AC installation in Clearwater, FL is probably in decent shape and ready for more heat next year (provided it has its annual maintenance appointment in spring). An aging AC may be looking at a wobbly future unless repaired—or even replaced. How can you tell if this summer was too much for your cooling system?

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Can My Air Conditioner Rust?

Monday, September 6th, 2021

Any metal that comes into contact with water in the presence of oxygen can rust. So the short answer to the question in the title is, yes. Rust on an AC is more likely to happen in a place like coastal Florida because of our high humidity and the amount of salt in the air. The outdoor components of your home’s air conditioning system are in regular contact with moisture and salt, and this can lead to parts of it rusting.

The good news is that AC manufacturers build their systems to resist rust for many years. It can still occur, however, and we’re going to take a look at what can happen when you’ve got a rusty AC and what you can do about it. 

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How Long You Can Expect Your Air Conditioner to Last

Monday, July 12th, 2021

You know that any major appliance in your house has a limited service life. Proper care can push an appliance to several extra years, but at some point it will wear down beyond where repairs are cost-effective. 

You’ve probably wondered about how long your central air conditioning system will last. This is natural in our hot and humid climate where ACs are vital for making it through much of the middle of the year. Considering all the work your air conditioner puts in during summer, how many years can you expect to have it before you need a new AC installation in Tampa, FL? Below we’ll look into the question and offer some advice about air conditioning replacement.

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Is This the Year You Get a High-Efficiency AC?

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

We can’t answer this question for you, not in a blog post. But if you are in the position of considering replacing your current mid-efficiency air conditioner with a high-efficiency one, we can help you with the decision. When it comes to an AC installation, you always want the assistance of professionals from early in the process. You must have pros to put the system in place and connect it so it works its best (as well as dispose of the previous unit). But you also need them to help you pick the ideal new AC for your needs and see that it’s correctly sized. 

So let’s talk a bit about high-efficiency air conditioners. When you’re ready to take the next step, call our team for air conditioning service in Oldsmar, FL and we’ll get you headed in the right direction.

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Ways to Improve Your AC In Fall

Monday, October 19th, 2020

Florida is definitely an “air conditioning state,” since we use our ACs around the year. We use them less during winter, but it’s never long before we have to switch them back on. So while fall may be a time when people in northern states stop thinking about their air conditioning systems altogether, we still need to give some thought to helping our cooling systems make it to April and their next scheduled regular maintenance. 

In this post, we’ll examine some ways you can make your air conditioning system better in the fall so it’s prepared for any surprises.

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Is an Air Conditioning System Done When It’s Older Than 15 Years?

Monday, October 5th, 2020

We know you want to get the most work from your home’s air conditioning in Tampa, FL, and that means getting the longest service life from it. But you don’t want to continue to run an air conditioner into the ground—keeping a system running year after year until it finally breaks down isn’t wise. For one thing, it means having to schedule an emergency replacement that can leave you trapped in the heat until the new system is in place. You want to have a new air conditioning system installed on your schedule, not the air conditioner’s. For another, an AC that is past its prime will waste large amounts of power, sometimes costing 25% more to run than it once did, and rack up repair bills.

So it’s best to have an AC replaced when it’s on the cusp of starting to decline, and 15 years is often a good point to have this done.

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Efficiency Is Important for a New AC, But It’s Not the Only Thing!

Monday, May 4th, 2020

Purchasing a new central air conditioning system is often stressful for homeowners. Not quite as stressful as buying a new car, but the workings of air conditioners and their many stats aren’t something people are familiar with. And getting the right new AC installation in Tampa, FL is essential, since you’ll rely on it for many days of the year, all around the year.

If you’re currently looking for a new AC, there’s one stat that may be on the top of your mind, and that’s the air conditioner’s energy efficiency rating (SEER). Efficiency is an important word in home appliances, and people are always hunting for the best in efficiency so they can avoid higher utility bills. It’s a great idea, but it can sometimes lead consumers to focus on efficiency over everything else—and that can end up going wrong, as we’ll explain.

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Assessing Your AC for the Coming Hotter Weather

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

When you start thinking about preparing your home for the approaching summer weather, the air conditioning system needs to receive special attention. It’s difficult to manage being indoors during the summer weather if a house isn’t equipped with a powerful central air conditioning system—and a reliable system as well. Power and reliability are what you most want from your AC during the summer season, with energy efficiency coming close behind. (Honestly, if power and reliability are in trouble, then energy efficiency almost certainly is as well, so they’re all linked.)

When you take an assessment of the AC, you may decide you need an air conditioning replacement in Palm Harbor, FL. Or maybe to schedule repair service for something wrong you noticed before. Let’s go a bit deeper into how you can analyze your air conditioning needs.

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Winter Is a Great Time for a New AC

Monday, December 16th, 2019

Winter in Tampa Bay doesn’t so much mean turning up our heaters as it does turning off the ACs. Yes, you’ll need a central heating system working at times, and heat waves can always swing through and force your air conditioning system back into action. But during most of this month and the next two, you won’t have to depend on your heating and cooling system too often.

This lull in the weather extremes makes winter an ideal time for an AC system installation in Tampa, FL. Summer heat may feel distant, but it can arrive faster, and sudden heat waves are simply a way of life. With our technicians less busy handling air conditioning repair emergencies, they’re available to help you find the best new air conditioner and have it installed at a convenient time. You’ll be ready for the next hot day.

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