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Is There an “Expiration Date” for AC Maintenance? No!


Since we’re deep into the summer and the air conditioning system in your house is running regularly throughout the day, it’s easy to imagine that it’s too late to have any “preventive” work done on the AC. The season for regular maintenance has come and gone, and if you didn’t get it scheduled because life got too busy in spring, well you’ll just have to wait until next year. The expiration date has passed.

But that’s not how maintenance works! Yes, spring is the ideal time to call a Tampa, FL air conditioning company to arrange for a maintenance inspection and tune-up for your air conditioner. But it’s not a terminal point. We’re happy to tell you that it’s not too late to schedule your air conditioning maintenance through our VIP Club membership. It’s important that the air conditioning maintenance gets done each year, and if it happens late, it’s far better than never.

Skipping Maintenance Has Major Consequences

We want to stress how important annual maintenance service is for your AC. It’s not only to prepare it for the summer season—although that plays a big part. It’s also for long-term benefits and to prevent serious problems in the future. Any future, not just this immediate summer. Below are some of the negative consequences you might face if you miss annual AC maintenance.

  • Voided warranty: We’ll put this one up front because homeowners aren’t often aware of this. The warranty that covers parts and labor for your AC in case of a factory fault may be voided if the system receives insufficient professional maintenance. Skipping a year can end up putting the warranty into the trash, and you’ll be stuck paying for a repair that the warranty would’ve covered.
  • Increased operational costs: Would you like to pay 5% more on your cooling bills this summer? With an additional 5% increase next summer? Of course not. But that’s what you’ll be looking at if the air conditioner is allowed to wear down and get dirtier over the summer without maintenance.
  • More repairs: The majority of repairs are preventable with maintenance. Inspections alone can catch many repair problems before they become problems. Stopping most repairs means saving money as well as greater convenience and peace of mind.
  • Longer system life: The average AC system life is 10 to 15 years. Most systems can reach 15 years without problems—provided they have regular maintenance. You’ll shave off years of the life of the air conditioning system if you skip maintenance, and that means an expensive replacement years too early.

Joining our maintenance plan will set you up with the necessary maintenance for your AC every year, as well as additional benefits: a 20% discount on repairs, no overtime/after-hours fees, and priority service. You’re also protected from inflation: you’ll always pay the same VIP Membership fee, even if the cost to join increases. Call us today for further details and to get your AC on the schedule.

Call on The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc. to schedule maintenance or any other AC service necessary for the best comfort this summer.

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