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How Long Do Heaters Last?

You know your heater is built to last, but for how long? That part is always up in the air, and it depends on a few factors. Many of which are under your control on a day-to-day basis.

An “it depends” answer is never helpful, but while it is the truth around your heater’s lifespan, we can outline the parameters under your control to help narrow down that timeline. So, how long do heaters last on average? Let’s find out.

Around 10–15 Years (on Average)

You will always be able to find anecdotal information from someone who’s had their heater for X number of years, but you’ll also find a high supply of homeowners who fit into the 10–15 year timeline as well. It’s a safe scale to bet on.

However, this depends on some factors right from the time of installation to the daily operation and care of your heater. Let’s break down some of the finer details so you can understand how that 10–15 year timeframe is calculated.

It Starts at Installation

If your heater is too small for your home, it’s struggling to keep up with the current demand. It needs to run for longer just to achieve the right level of indoor heat, and that causes excess wear and tear on that system.

If your heater is too big, it’s drawing unnecessary amounts of power to heat your home, and it may impact its lifespan as well. It’s important to have an appropriate-sized heater, which should be determined by your installation technician during the pre-installation appointment.

How That Timeframe Is Impacted

This is how your heater’s lifespan is influenced:

  • Maintenance: Keeping up on annual maintenance appointments is crucial for your heater. Dozens of small tasks are performed during maintenance that promote system longevity.
  • Air Filters: You need to change your air filter every 30–90 days. Neglecting to do this can result in your heater undergoing serious strain, sometimes to the point of failure.
  • Setting the Thermostat: It’s important to be comfortable, but if you set your heater too high, it has to power on for more cycles throughout the day and potentially run for longer. Turning your thermostat down even a few degrees can be a big help (and it saves you energy on your bills).
  • Timely Repairs: If you think something’s wrong, even if it’s just an odd sound when you turn your heater on, power it down and call for repairs right away. The longer a system runs with failing parts, the more it affects everything else.

Is It Time for Heater Replacement?

Take all these list items into consideration, and think about how your heater has been acting. Find out how long ago it was installed. This will help dictate the timeline for your replacement, and now that you know everything we’ve listed here, you can make sure that new heater has the longest possible lifespan. If it’s time for a heater replacement, give us a call today.

Contact us today to schedule your heating installation and repair as soon as possible.

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